Cross River State Chapter Leader

BOCO, Anyin Edet is the Chapter Coordinator, National Women in Agriculture Association/Tammy’s International Women in Agriculture Empowerment Association, Cross River State, Nigeria-Africa.
Cross River State.
Calabar Municipality.
Obtained Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from Obafemi Awolowo University (2000).
She is the current President of Cross River State Federated Fadama Community Association (CRSFFCA) which was created by the World Bank in 2017. She is also the cofounder of Global Farmers Foundation which specializes in Mushroom and fish Farming as well as Vegetable farming, three(3) years running. She also facilitates consultations with community based farmers across the 18 LGAs of the State.
She coordinates farmers to gain access to soft loans like Moni Market and Easy Market as well as link farmer’s up with Agricultural Extension and Desk Officers for immediate Farm attention.
She has sufficient training in;
-Market II Development in Fish Farming, Processing and Marketing.
-Entrepreneur Development and Management.
-Agri-Business and Agricultural Best Practices and Group Dynamics (FADAMA).
Nigerian Agricultural Enterprise Curriculum on Agricultural Value Chain (USAID).
-Entrepreneurship Development and Management ( EDC).
Currently, she is in collaboration with community based farmers on a project tagged”school on wheels” which aims to integrate practical agricultural practices to classroom teachings.
Her interests include but are not limited to; mechanization and best practices application and adoption in all Agricultural sectors for the assurance of food security and sustainability in the State.